The meaning of dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore

In this article

To dream about an ex you don’t talk to anymore can mean that you are not totally over your ex, it can also mean the beginning of a significant activity that is about to take place in your life or the life of your ex.

In this article, I will tell you some of the meanings of dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore and what could cause you to have such dreams, we will also talk about what you can do when you have such dreams.

So let’s dive in.

The meaning of dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore

Dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore can mean several things and here are some of the meanings of such dreams.

You miss your ex

Dreaming about a boyfriend or girlfriend that you don’t talk to anymore can mean that you are missing him or her.

Our dreams can sometimes be influenced by our emotions, and when we miss someone it can easily find a way to influence what we see in our dreams

You have a soul connection that is still in existence

You can have this kind of dream if you dated your ex for a very long time and formed a bond with him or her.

This dream can mean that you have an unbroken bond between you and your ex and this is making it difficult for you to forget your ex.

Relating with new people can help you heal quickly and break the connection.

You have not forgiven your ex

This dream means that you have not totally forgotten your ex and they are still lurking somewhere in your mind.

Our dreams can sometimes be representative of what we already have in our minds.

You will bump into your ex soon

This dream can signify that you will meet your ex on the road soon.

The universe works like that sometimes and some people have the ability to see things before it happens.

If you are one of those that see things before they happen then this dream could be one of those coincidences waiting to happen.

Your ex needs your help

This dream can mean that your ex is in trouble somewhere.

If you are in a good relationship with an ex please do well to reach out to him or her just to be sure that this dream is not a warning indicating that your ex may be looking for your help out of a tight situation.

You will need your ex’s help

This dream can also be a sign that a time will come when you will need your ex’s help.

Some will say this is the universe playing tricks on you.

If this is the case then it’s okay to ask your ex for help, this dream may just be a sign that it’s okay to ask for help even if you and your ex are no longer on talking terms.

Reasons why you dream about an ex you don’t talk to anymore

Here are some of the reasons why you find yourself in this type of dream even when you no longer talk to your ex.

Your ex is trying to get in touch with you

Some of us have that spirit in us that shows us what is about to happen.

So when someone is trying to reach out to us we may find that we start getting weird feelings about the person or even seeing the person in our dream.

This doesn’t matter if it’s your ex or just a stranger, our dreams are powerful like that.

You want to rekindle your relationship with your ex

Thinking about rekindling your relationship with your ex can also make you have this kind of dream.

When we have something important to us in our mind, we tend to find that we often may start dreaming about it.

You have unfinished business with your ex

When you have unfinished business with your ex it may cause you to stay worried.

This worry of trying to get answers to unanswered questions between you and your ex can make you uncomfortable and prompt you to constantly think about your ex.

This thinking will slowly influence the dream you have and you will find that you are now seeing your ex in your dream regardless of if you are on talking terms with them or not.

You are afraid of falling into that kind of relationship again

Trying to avoid falling into a bad or toxic relationship can play tricks on our minds and even our dreams.

When you are afraid of falling into the kind of relationship you just came out of, it can sometimes make you dream weird dreams and also cause you to see your ex in a dream.

You are lonely

When you are lonely or when you feel lonely, this can cause you to dream about your ex.

This is because loneliness can make us think unhealthy thoughts and dream weird dreams, like seeing our ex in our dreams.

You just came across something your ex used to wear or say

Remember times when you hear or see something that reminds you of someone else?

Yes, this can also be a reason why you see your ex in a dream.

It is important that you take time away from things that remind you of your ex if you think it is an unhealthy feeling.

What to do if you find yourself dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore

When you find yourself dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore, be sure to take time out to find out why you are having this dream.

It could be a result of what you do or surround yourself with in your daily activity. If this is unhealthy for you, then you should consider changing your lifestyle.

If this dream is because your ex may be looking to reach out to you, then it is okay to reach out to them if you don’t find it toxic.

How to stop dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore

When you want to stop dreaming about your ex, especially because it is unhealthy, then it is advisable to check your daily routine for triggers.

Triggers are things related to your ex, these things can store pictures of your ex in your subconscious and this can cause you to have weird dreams and even dream about an ex you don’t even see or talk to.

What does dreaming about getting back with an ex mean

Dreaming about getting back with an ex can mean that you will soon be reunited with someone you dated from the past.

This can also be a sign that you are going to return to a habit that you thought was no longer a part of your life.

If this is unhealthy for you then I advise you to take it as a sign and see how you can avoid it.

In The End

In the end, dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore can be a sign that you will reunite with your ex,

or a sign of unforgiveness and unfinished business between you and your ex.

You should try to avoid triggers and anything that could make your subconscious mind save information about your ex and even bring your ex to your dreams.

If you don’t see this as a weird and toxic dream, then consider reaching out to them as they may need your help at the time.


Hi there! My name is Joachin, I write about dreams and spirituality experiences for Ablisssfulheart blog. Over the years I have been able to tell people about some of their hidden experiences and also watch this hidden experiences come to realization. Ablisfulheart is a bigger medium that helps me reach a wider audience and share in some of their life experiences. You can call me a blogger and a researcher, but really, I just love exploring things and sharing them based on my experience and the experience of the people around. Fell free to share tips or your experiences with me, hit me up! Whether you want to chat, collaborate, or just say hi, you can drop me a line at []. Deuces !!!

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