Why is My Ex boyfriend Crying in My Dream And What It Means?

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Ex boyfriend crying in a dream is that type of dream that can feel a bit creepy to almost anyone, at least, until you find out what it really means.

The reason why your ex boyfriend is crying in your dream can be due to heartbreak, loss of property, breakup, loss of a family member, they miss you, or even sickness. 

Yes, there is more to this.

But I will try to cover as much as I can in this article, to give you enough to look out for, to help you understand such dreams better.

It is important to note that this type of warning dream is good and healthy, it signifies that you have a strong connection to your lover.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why this kind of dream happens.

Why Is My Ex boyfriend Crying In My Dream?

Here are some of the reasons why your ex boyfriend or ex lover can be seen crying in your dream.

Your is Ex boyfriend is experiencing Heartbreak

Your ex boyfriend can be crying in your dream because of heartbreak.

This dream can be a warning about a future heartbreak that hasn’t happened, or it can be a present heartbreak that he kept hidden.

Dreaming of a crying ex boyfriend can also be due to a past heartbreak that you are well aware of but do not know the extent of damage it did.

For example, if you and your lover just got separated or if he is still suffering from trauma cause by your seperation, this can cause such a dream.

The above mentioned experience is possible because you have a strong connection to the one you love, and they have the same for you even when they have become your ex.

Your Ex is Suffering Loss of Property

You may see your ex boyfriend crying in a dream as a sign that he has suffered a loss of his belonging or properties.

This can be because it was stolen or burnt accidentally, or even get lost on its way to your ex.

Dreams about an ex lover crying due to loss can also serve as a warning for an incident that has not happened yet.

If this is the case, you should talk to your ex boyfriend about the dream, and then see if you can make plans to avoid such a dream from becoming a reality.

Your Ex Boyfriend is Thinking About You

This one is due to the strong bond you already developed with your ex.

You can have a dream about your him crying because he is somewhere thinking about you.

Relationship bonds like this take time to break, although with long term separation this type of dreams should seize.

This is like that time when you are thinking about someone and they call you up, this is natural.

this is also the same with you and your ex, such that when they think about you, your nature can respond by showing them in your dream.

You are thinking about your ex boyfriend 

You can experience a dream of an ex lover crying if you start thinking about them.

Thinking about things we are interested in or connected to has always been known to influence our dream.

My dreams have been influenced by my thoughts so many times.

If I ever dream about my ex boyfriend crying in my dream I will try to make sure it is not because I have been thinking about them.

This gives you a clear sign that your ex may possibly need your attention and help

A Breakup

You can have this type of dream because of the breakup that happened between you and your ex.

If this is the case, your ex may be harbouring pain inside and your passed connection is sending you signals through your dream.

If you reach out to your ex about this dream and find out that this hidden breakup pain is true, you both should make plans for a healing process.

This should not drive you back into a toxic relationship, instead, you can suggest a therapist.

Your Ex boyfriend is Sick

It is possible to see your ex cry in your dream as a sign that there is something wrong with your him.

Such dreams can be an indicator that your ex boyfriend is sick and could use your help.

If you speak to your ex-boyfriend or ex girlfriend and find out that they are actually sick, you should lend them a helping hand.

You Hurt Your Ex boyfriend 

Such dreams can be an indication that you hurt your ex-boyfriend.

Sometimes you could hurt someone knowingly or unknowingly by what you say and do.

Your subconscious can be showing you signs of his pain, but because you were not paying attention.

You now have to see him in your dream that he is actually in pain and crying.

Your Ex boyfriend Hurt You

When you have such a dream or nightmare, it can be as a result of the pain you are going through.

Such pain can be from the hurt you got from your ex.

In most cases, we carry previous pain from our ex lovers for quite too long as we don’t have the opportunity to talk through it with them.

If this is the case for you, you might want to carry out a proper healing process, especially before your next relationship.

A therapist can be a good bet to get help.

Someone Else Hurt Them

Your ex boyfriend can cry in your dream because someone else hurt them.

It is possible that this other person can be someone you know or someone you are not aware of.

Since he is your ex, chances are that he has developed a new group of friends in his circle.

Talk to him about the dream and see if this is the case, he just might need your advice.

Loss Of A Family Member

You can have a dream where your ex boyfriend is crying because they have lost a family member.

After a breakup, it takes a while for our instinct about our ex to die off.

This can be the reason you still have dreams about your ex at all.

The loss of a family member can cause a lot of pain and grief.

This can be the reason why your ex boyfriend is crying in your dream, this is a sign that he can use some consolation.

Your Ex Suffer Loss of Opportunity

Loss of opportunity can be a good reason for your boyfriend to cry in your dreams.

You could be seeing your ex in your dream sad because of a loss of opportunity happening to him in real life.

The good thing about this type of dream is that it could be a warning about a future loss of opportunity that can be avoided.

You should talk to your ex boyfriend and see if he is going through such a loss.

If not, then you should find out if they are yet to go through it so that you can tell them to make a conscious effort to avoid loss.

If it is avoidable.

What does it mean to dream of your ex sad?

When you dream of your ex sad it means that your ex is going through a particular life experience that is causing them pain.

It can also be a sign that your ex misses you or that your ex could use your attention.

When you have one of those ex boyfriend dreams the meaning is usually related to his current situation. So talk to him before you jump to a conclusion

What does it mean when you dream of someone crying in your dream?

If you dream of someone crying in your dream it means that you have something to offer them in real life.

If you have this experience it means that you are connected to that person spiritually and you have a role to play to help them in real life. 

A dream of ex boyfriend has a spiritual meaning and it is a sign that a bond still exists between you and your ex-lover.

But a dream about a random person can only be interpreted if you can find out the connection you have with that random person.

When you dream about your ex are they thinking of you?

Yes, when you dream about your ex, it is most likely that they are thinking of you at the same time.

It’s like that experience you have when you are thinking about someone and they call you on the phone.

This is the same connection, I have had this happen to me enough to know it is true.

What does it mean when you dream of your ex husband crying?

When you dream of your ex husband crying, it means that your ex husband might be going through tough times.

This dream can also be a call for help that you couldn’t have gotten except through a dream.

What does it mean seeing your boyfriend crying in a dream

If you see your boyfriend crying in a dream, this means that something bad is coming in the future that will cause pain for your boyfriend.

This can be a loss of life, property, or a loss of a job.

It is important that you talk to your boyfriend about such dreams as it can be a sign of something serious.

You can help them avoid this pain and disappointment that could have been devastating for them.

When dreaming about breaking up or dreaming about a crying boyfriend, this means disaster for your relationship.

What does it mean to dream about ex boyfriend begging

When you dream about your ex boyfriend begging it means that your ex boyfriend is going through a rough time.

This dream can be a warning against a future problem that can cause your ex boyfriend to lose money

Such loss will force your ex boyfriend to go into begging.

Also, your dream can mean that your ex boyfriend will come to beg you to get back together.

It could just mean that he will come to beg you for help over something only you can help him with.

What does it mean crying over ex in dream

If you cry over an ex in a dream, this can mean that your ex is going to lose something that you always want him to have.

It can also mean that your ex is sick somewhere and it is getting serious.

So reach out to him about this dream, perhaps it can be avoided.

What does it mean to dream about fighting your ex

When you dream about fighting your ex, it means that you are about to find out some of the hidden things that you didn’t know about your ex.

It can also be a sign that your ex will try to hurt your present lover in an attempt to get to you or get him out of the way.

What does it mean to dream about your ex boyfriend

When you dream about your ex boyfriend it means that your connection with your ex boyfriend is still strong and alive.

If you have such dreams more than once, it is likely that your ex is also having the same dream or thinking about you.

What does it mean seeing your ex girlfriend crying in a dream

If you see your ex girlfriend crying in a dream, it means that she is in a painful period in her life.

This can be about something you caused, or it can also be that she is sad about a loss that she is currently experiencing.

Either way, it is a sign of your connection to her, and she needs your help and attention if you can offer them without subscribing to a toxic ex.

What Should I Do If I See My Ex boyfriend Crying in My Dream

When you see your ex boyfriend crying in your dream the first thing you need to do is stay calm.

Get a pen and write down everything you remembered about that dream.

Call your ex boyfriend and tell them about the dream, because it could save them a lot if this event has not happened yet.

This is how you can fully take advantage of a dream and save the day.


Relationship connection is a real thing, the bond that holds two lovers and ex lovers can even give them information about their life in dreams.

When you are dreaming of crying ex boyfriend this is a sign that there is hope to help avoid a future disaster.

If I ever see my ex boyfriend crying in my dream I will not take it lightly, because even though he is just an ex, he is still human, and there must be a good reason why I am having such dreams

You should take advantage of such warnings.

I hope you found value in this piece of content.

Tell us about your experience on a night when you saw your ex cry in your dream.


Hi there! My name is Joachin, I write about dreams and spirituality experiences for Ablisssfulheart blog. Over the years I have been able to tell people about some of their hidden experiences and also watch this hidden experiences come to realization. Ablisfulheart is a bigger medium that helps me reach a wider audience and share in some of their life experiences. You can call me a blogger and a researcher, but really, I just love exploring things and sharing them based on my experience and the experience of the people around. Fell free to share tips or your experiences with me, hit me up! Whether you want to chat, collaborate, or just say hi, you can drop me a line at [myvibegood2@gmail.com]. Deuces !!!

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