Dream About Being Ignored By Friends

In this article

Dream about being ignored by friends can mean that there will be a separation between you and your friends.

This separation can be caused by something you did knowingly or unknowingly, 

or it can even be something you didn’t even do but there was a false accusation saying that you committed an offense.

Either way, your dream is trying to prepare you for the coming circumstances.

Please Note: Dreams about being ignored by friends can be real, or it can be just another meaningless dream but don’t jump to any conclusion until you have all the evidence you need.

This is what we will talk about in this article, so let’s begin.

What does it mean to dream about being ignored by friends

A dream about being ignored by friends means that you may or may not have committed an offense that will cause hatred between you and your friends.

Here are some of the other meanings of this type of dream and how it can affect your life.

You Have Been Falsely Accused

When you dream about being ignored by friends, it can mean that someone somewhere is raising an accusation against you.

This dream is a warning dream to show you what is to come.

It doesn’t matter if you were aware of this accusation or not, 

and as a result of this accusation your friends will start to lose confidence in relating with you.

If this is the case for you, It is important to pay attention to any wrong conception people may have against you and try to set things straight.

Someone is trying to sabotage you

If you dream about your friends ignoring you it can mean that someone among your friends or someone that isn’t even your friend is trying to cause problems for you.

This is another way that your dream is trying to keep you alert about your environment, 

So that you can watch out for what people are saying about you, especially the ones that are spreading false rumors about you to make you look bad.

Your dream is waking you up to that reality so that you will stop the rumors before it causes serious problems.

Your opinion on an issue had a negative effect

Dreaming about being ignored by your friends can be a sign that an opinion you shared on an issue goes against what your friends want or what they believe.

If this is what your dream is trying bro show you, then you should be careful what you say in the few months to come,

Sometimes our honest opinions can come as a sign of betrayal among friends.

This dream is trying to tell you to be supportive of your friends, 

and if you are going to point out any wrongdoing, try to talk to your friends first before you make it a public affair.

You are going to face loneliness

Such a dream can mean that you are going to face loneliness in the near future.

A dream about being ignored by friends can go beyond just friends.

The faces you see in the dream may be those of your friends but it generally represents people that love you and care about you and how you feel.

Your dream is trying to tell you to prepare for a time when everyone that loves you and cares about you will be too busy or engaged in their own life to offer you help.

It is wise to take such dreams seriously and plan for such a time, by creating another support system outside your friends.

Your friends don’t trust you

When you dream of being ignored by friends it can mean that your friends don’t trust you anymore.

Although this can point to an event that is yet to happen, it can also be pointing to something that is already happening and you didn’t even know about it.

If this dream points to a lack of trust among your friends, it is important to know that there are many reasons why your friends may lose trust in you.

Sometimes it can be a misunderstanding, other times it can be that you made a life decision without involving them and now they feel betrayed.

Keep in mind that Some of these reasons are within your control and others are outside of your control.

If this has not happened yet, do not panic. Be prepared to humble yourself until you regain that trust.

Nothing is worth living alone in this world.

A rival will join your group of friends

When you dream about being ignored by your pals or friends it can mean that a rival is about to join your friend group.

He or she may try to pick up fights with you, and this can cause division between you and the rest of your friends.

If this happens, you need to be wise and act carefully so you don’t further destroy your relationship with your loved ones.

Remember that, if you are seeing this in your dream, then it means that it is all tied to your future. 

You need to act with care and smartly, ask an elderly person for advice if need be.

You are paranoid about losing your friends

When you dream of being ignored by friends it can mean that you are scared of losing your friends.

Our dreams are a representation of how we truly feel about our life.

It is possible for our dreams to be due to what we do when we are awake and if this is the case, then it is only normal that your fears appear in your dream.

If you find that you have such dreams after you spend most of your time scared of hurting or losing your friends,

then it is time to relax and untangle yourself from over depending on friends for anything.

Basically, start doing things for yourself and the right friends will stay.

Solution To Dream About Being Ignored by Friends

When you dream of being ignored by friends do not panic.

This type of dream is usually a warning sign of things to come.

But, if you find that this dream is repetitive in any way, then it is time to take the following action:

  1. Seek out an alternative to your friend for when things go wrong
  2. Be smart and watch what you say
  3. Do not depend on anyone for joy or happiness, but at the same time, do cause problems between your loved ones
  4. Do not jump to conclusions until you have all the facts you need, check the different meanings of such dreams as it is mentioned in this article and see if you find into any category.
  5. Talk to an elderly person for advice
  6. Talk to a spiritual guide if you have one and if you believe in that line of life.
  7. Add value to yourself and don’t be a follower, instead be a leader.

Other Meanings of dreams related to being ignored by friends 

Now that we have successfully looked at the meaning of dreams about being ignored by friends, 

it is time to look at other related dreams as mentioned below.

Spiritual meaning of being ignored in a dream

The spiritual meaning of being ignored in a dream is that you are about to face trouble in your life in the near future.

This could happen in your family, workplace, social groups, amongst friends, and so on.

According to how the spirit operates, 

the spiritual meaning of being ignored in dreams is tied to the fact that the spirit can sense the future and sense what is about to happen even before it happens.

Your spirit is currently sensing a separation between you and people you call friends or even your loved ones in general.

What does it mean when a friend shows up in your dream?

When a friend shows up in your dream it means that in the nearest future, you will reconnect with a long-lost friend.

This dream is usually a good sign.

What does it mean when you dream that your friends don’t like you?

When you dream that your friends don’t like you, it means that there is something you did that your friends did not like.

They may be scared of confronting you about the issue for one reason or the other, but your dream is telling you to reach out first.

Dream of being ignored by someone you love

When you dream about being ignored by someone you love, it means that you have a quarrel with your lover in the nearest future.

It might just be another empty dream but it is wise to stay prepared.

Dream about being ignored by crush

Dream about being ignored by your crush is a sign that the way you feel about the person you are attracted to, may not necessarily be the way they feel about you.

be sure that your insecurity is not the reason you are having such dreams.

Talk to someone older than you or a therapist.

Dream of being ignored by ex

When you dream about being ignored by your ex it can be a sign that you may regain a fresh attraction to someone you have already separated from.

Your dream is trying not to tell you that it is time to move on, if you refuse and pursue that one person, 

You may find that they are already in with someone else.

It is okay to get help in this situation.

Dreams about friends excluding you

If you dream about friends excluding you it can mean that you will have problems with your friends and this will cause them to look at you in a different light.

Dream about being ignored by everyone

When you dream about being ignored by everyone it can mean that you are arrogant and it has been going on for too long.

It can also mean that on the day you need help people will not come to your aid, and this is because you have always treated everyone badly.


It is important that before you jump to conclusions about the meaning of a dream about being ignored by friends, you should first get your facts right.

Ask questions, and be sure that the dream is vivid enough to push you to act on it.

It may not necessarily be a repetitive dream, just make sure it is real and scary enough before you think of putting pressure on yourself.

If not, it may just be another dream that is not too meaningful.

We hope you found value in this article, Also check out – Dreams About Being Ignored By Your Boyfriend – Spiritual Meaning And Interpretation 


Hi there! My name is Joachin, I write about dreams and spirituality experiences for Ablisssfulheart blog. Over the years I have been able to tell people about some of their hidden experiences and also watch this hidden experiences come to realization. Ablisfulheart is a bigger medium that helps me reach a wider audience and share in some of their life experiences. You can call me a blogger and a researcher, but really, I just love exploring things and sharing them based on my experience and the experience of the people around. Fell free to share tips or your experiences with me, hit me up! Whether you want to chat, collaborate, or just say hi, you can drop me a line at [myvibegood2@gmail.com]. Deuces !!!

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