Bird Hit Window And Is Still Alive: Spiritual Meaning

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When a bird hits a window and it is still alive it can spiritually mean that in times of trouble, you may get hurt but you will always survive.

It can also spiritually mean that you have survived a trial period in your life and you are heading into a happy and prosperous era.

Hold on before making any assumptions! There are other spiritual explanations for when a bird hits a window and doesn’t die.

This article will explore those meanings and give you advice on what to do if you come across this situation. So, let’s get started!

What is the spiritual meaning of when a bird hits a window and is still alive?

When a bird hit a window and it is still alive it can spiritually mean you have overcome a bad situation or trial to come.

I will show you some of the spiritual meanings of this type of event and how it affects us.

Something Good is coming

The spiritual meaning of when a bird hit a window and it is still alive can be a sign that something good is coming your way.

Birds can be seen as a messengers. In the time past, some tribes use birds to send messages to their peers.

I am not sure that the practice of using birds as messengers have stopped but birds still symbolise the process of sending messages.

You will escape an attack sent to you

When you see a bird hit your window and it is still alive it can mean that there is an attack that has been sent to you.

This is also tied to the fact that birds can carry messages around.

As much as this messages can be a good message, it can also be bad messages,

It depends on the reason why the bird was sent to you.

Bad Luck and Good Luck

The spiritual meaning of when a bird hits a window and it is still alive can mean the presence of both good luck and bad luck.

The flight of a bird is usually point to a sign of things to come, it is natural that this things can include good luck, or even bad luck.

But, the good news is you got the warning on time and this means that you have enough time to make the adjustments.

You Have an Unreceived Message

If you see a bird hit a window and it is still alive it can mean that you will have an unreceived message that was meant to get to you.

Yes, this also points at birds being messengers, the phenomenon of a bird hitting a window and still stays alive, points to the fact that your unreceived message is close to you,

but there are some obstacles holding you back from reaching what was given to you.

His obstacle can include, people, location, and even your own doing.

If this message is a good message it is important you do your best to live a good live to the best of your knowledge, pray very well, and let nature play it’s course.

You have Overcome Your Trials

When a bird hits a window and it is still alive it can mean that you have overcome the trials and troubles which you have been facing for a long time, either knowingly or unknowingly.

This is actually a good thing when it happens, facing life trouble can be a real pain.

It feels good to know that you will get to catch a break from all that trauma.

Take this as a good sign, and continue to do good things on life, so that good things will come to you.

A call to be careful

When a bird hit a window and it is still alive it can be a sign of a call to be careful in time to come.

birds can also be a warning sign, it is important to take this warning seriously,

what where you are going and be aware of your surrounding and the people you hang with.

Why Will A Bird Hit A Window?

Sometimes when a bird hits a window, it’s just because it didn’t see the glass and flew right into it. It happens naturally, and it’s not really a big deal.

But, some folks believe that a bird hitting a window could actually mean something important for you personally. They see it as a sign of sorts, something spiritual maybe.

When Will A Bird Hit A Window?

There is no specific time set for a bird to hit a window, it can happen at anytime depending on the reason why the bird crashed on the window.

Life does what it wants, and it is important bthat we focus on what we can control.

We can do this by living a good life to the best of our knowledge.

When Bird Hits Window Does This Mean Good Luck Or Bad Luck?

Spiritually, when a bird hits your window It can mean either good luck or bad luck depending on where you are currently standing in your life.

It is good luck in the sense that it is showing you that you have overcome attacks that were sent towards you.

It can mean bad luck in the sense that it is giving you a “heads up” to keep you alert and make you stand against any and every trial or temptation that may have been sent to you.


When a bird hit your window and is still alive it can spiritually mean that you are ready to enter either a good or a bad era in life.

So before you get scared or excited about this spiritual phenomenon make sure that you read the article and look into all the different aspects of this act.

We hope it brings you good luck.

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Hi there! My name is Joachin, I write about dreams and spirituality experiences for Ablisssfulheart blog. Over the years I have been able to tell people about some of their hidden experiences and also watch this hidden experiences come to realization. Ablisfulheart is a bigger medium that helps me reach a wider audience and share in some of their life experiences. You can call me a blogger and a researcher, but really, I just love exploring things and sharing them based on my experience and the experience of the people around. Fell free to share tips or your experiences with me, hit me up! Whether you want to chat, collaborate, or just say hi, you can drop me a line at []. Deuces !!!

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