Spiritual Meaning Of Pooping In A Dream 

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The spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream can be that you are spiritually dropping all excess and unneeded weight in life that you have been carrying with you for so long.

You should be happy if you had this kind of dream, it is a reality that everyone would wish to have.

But before you go on thinking things are about to change for good make sure you have considered all the details of that dream.

In this article I will talk about what you need to know about the spiritual meaning of pooping in dreams, and also how it may affect our lives moving forward.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Pooping In A Dream

The spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream is freedom and victory over all that has been holding you back in your life.

Naturally, pooping is an act of removing unwanted elements in our system, but this can also have a representative in the spiritual realm, especially if you have a dream vision about it.

“Poop in a dream represents unwanted facts of a persons life”

Why Are You Dreaming Of Pooping

The reason why you are dreaming of pooping can be in 3 different forms, and I have mentioned them below.

  1. There is a spiritual message: Pooping in the dream is no ordinary dream unless it was influenced but your physical body situation like having a bad meal. But if this is not the case, then it is happening because your spirit is sending you a message about your future.
  1. You went to bed without pooping: when you go to bed without pooping it is natural that you will find yourself feeling the need to poop and this can be reflected in your dream. In this case, there is nothing spiritual about your pooping dream.
  1. You ate a stomach-provoking meal: If you have lived long enough you may or may not have been a victim of a stomach provoking meal. I know I have. Your dream About poop has no spiritual meaning if it was influenced by diarrhea.

What Does Poop Represent In A Dream

When you see poop in a dream it can be a representation of troubles and setbacks that a person faces in real life.

This dream show you that you are about to remove all that troubles from your life.

What Does It Mean When I Dream About Pooping

When you dream about pooping it can mean that you are about to step into a better life than the one you had before that is filled with problems.

Removing troubles and trials in your life means that you are ready to start experiencing better things in your life.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Defecating In A Dream

Defecating in a dream can represent you are in the process of working hard to solve the life problems that you have with your family, workplace, and even your love life.

With that being said, the spiritual meaning of defecating in a dream is that you are in the process of pushing your way out of the bondage that has been holding you back from succeeding.

Is Dreaming About Poop Good Luck

Dreaming about poop is good luck because it is a sign of a new and better beginning that does not come with the bad experiences you had in the past.

Poop is never a good thing in a dream or in reality, but having a dream where it is leaving your body can be a sign that old things have passed.

Does Dreaming Of Poop Means Money

Dreaming of poop does not mean money unless you are referring to losing money or property that has been causing you misfortune in the past.

Money represents wealth and poop can be a sign of unwanted elements in a person’s life.

Let’s put it this way, dreaming of poop doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll lose your wallet or your house.

But, if you’ve had some serious money problems in the past, your poop dreams could be trying to tell you something that doesn’t have a direct association with money or wealth.

Dreaming Of Pooping In Public Meaning

Dreaming of Pooping in public can mean that you are going to experience shame and disgrace in your life.

Touching Feces In Dream Meaning

Touching feces in a dream can mean that you will face difficulties in your workplace, and although it won’t last, but, it will be a tough experience.

feaces represent the disgusting and hated things in a person’s life. Touching it in your dreams can mean that you will briefly find yourself in such a time.

But, it won’t last long

Seeing Someone Else Poop In Dream

Seeing someone else poop in dreams can mean that someone in your inner circle is going to face life challenges, this person could be you friend or even family.

You should pay close attention to your circle of friends.

Perhaps you are seeing this dream because you can actually help out in one way or the other.

Dreams About Poop Everywhere

When you dream about poop everywhere this can represent a warning of your inability to make any positive change in your life and in the life of the people around you.

You are seeing this dream because dreams can be a reflection of the things we experience in our life.

My advice in this type of situation is to start small.

Call for help when you, you don’t have to do it on your own.


Poop in the dream can have different meanings to different people, it is important that you do your best to consider all the details of the poop dream you have before concluding on anything.

If you feel troubled about this dream, I encourage you to see a therapist or talk to someone that is more knowledgeable for advice.

This article can serve as a guide purpose only, also be sure to do your own research about this and have more knowledge.


Hi there! My name is Joachin, I write about dreams and spirituality experiences for Ablisssfulheart blog. Over the years I have been able to tell people about some of their hidden experiences and also watch this hidden experiences come to realization. Ablisfulheart is a bigger medium that helps me reach a wider audience and share in some of their life experiences. You can call me a blogger and a researcher, but really, I just love exploring things and sharing them based on my experience and the experience of the people around. Fell free to share tips or your experiences with me, hit me up! Whether you want to chat, collaborate, or just say hi, you can drop me a line at [myvibegood2@gmail.com]. Deuces !!!

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