Dream about gods and goddesses: Spiritual Meaning

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A dream about gods and goddesses can be one of those dreams that leaves you speechless when you wake up.

Dreams about gods and goddesses can mean that you have unfinished business with the deity that you saw in your dream.

But when it comes to understanding if this is a good dream or a bad dream, we have to look at different aspects of this dream, 

and the different details of this type of dream.

This is what I intend to share with you in this article today.

So let’s take a look.

What Is The Meaning Of A Dream About Gods And Goddesses

The meaning of a dream about gods and goddesses is that your life is interconnected with the deity that you saw in your dreams.

This can also mean that you have unfinished business with the gods or goddesses you see in that dream.

Sometimes this can be happening to you because you have been chosen to play a great role here on Earth.

Other times you can be seeing this divine being in your dream because of a covenant that was made between your ancestors and the gods and goddesses you see in the dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Gods and Goddess In A Dream

Let us look at what this dream is telling us according to some spiritual quotes in a spiritual book called the bible.

“According to Genesis 22:12

Jacob had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. There above it stood the LORD, and he said: “I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land.”

In the above verse, Jacob saw God in his dream, and God told him that he has made a covenant with his ancestor and he is appearing to him to continue from where he stopped.

The appearance of supreme beings in dreams is usually always tied to either a covenant or a role that needs to be fulfilled by the individual that saw the dream.

“According to 1 Kings 3:5 

At Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”

6 Solomon answered, “You have shown great kindness to your servant, my father David because he was faithful to you and righteous and upright in heart. You have continued this great kindness to him and have given him a son to sit on his throne this very day.”

According to the dream above, Solomon saw God in his dream and God asked him to ask for anything and this is because God had a covenant with Solomon.

The deal is that, as long as Solomon continues in the way of the Lord, he will be blessed with all that he wants.

With the two verses above we can see that gods and goddesses don’t just appear to us without a cause.

The biblical meaning of gods and goddesses in a dream is that you owe the gods a deal and they have a plan that requires our input.

Why Do I Dream About Gods And Goddesses

You dream about gods and goddesses because you have chosen to play a part on Earth.

Another reason why you see gods and goddesses in your dream is that you secretly obsess over the things of the spiritual realm, and this is naturally influencing your dream.

But if the reason for this dream is not your obsession but instead it is because of an unfinished covenant or dealing with the beings you see in your dream,

Then this can mean that you have to complete an unfinished activity that was started by your ancestors or make a new covenant with the gods or goddess that you see in your dream.

The spiritual being you saw in your dream is there to give you a message and a task to carry out.

And yes, it doesn’t happen to everyone, just to those that have been chosen.

It is also worth noting that there are good gods that want the best for you, and there are bad gods and goddesses that want to destroy you using the task they assign to you.

What Is The Meaning Of Seeing Goddess In Dream

When you are seeing Goddess in your dream it can mean that your ancestors made a deal with that goddess and she has come to continue that deal.

It can also mean that you are interlinked with a supreme being without even knowing.

Regardless of what the case may be, it is important to know that they are clean and unclean spirits.

If this dream reoccurs and you are well aware that you do not usually obsess over this kind of things before you start 

Seeing Goddess Idol In Dream

Seeing goddess idol in dreams can be a terrifying encounter.

Sometimes, depending on how scared you are you may find yourself shaking on your bed after such a dream.

Seeing a goddess idol in your dream can mean that your family is linked with idol worshipping.

It can also mean that someone in your circle, maybe your friend or mate has a link with a deity that requires your attention.

This can happen to anyone depending on what family you are in.

Most people in Africa experience this type of dream because in the past and before the coming of Christianity, idolatry was the way most people live before the Christian religion.

And is still the case in some African villages.

Please note that this happens all over the world, America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

Yes, I witnessed this myself. One time I visited an African village, I saw people still worshipping idols in broad daylight.

I was shocked because I thought the 20th century didn’t come with idol worshiping, but I saw it for myself.

Who Saw God In A Dream

There were a couple of people that saw God in their dream.

One of them is Solomon in the book of 1 Kings 3:5, this bible verse detailed how God visited Solomon in the dream and asked him to ask for anything and it will be granted unto him.

Another person that saw God was Jacob, Genesis 22:12, God came to Jacob in his dream, introduces himself, and tells him about the deal he made with Jacob’s father Abraham.

Although these people saw God in a dream, the bible also recorded that no one has seen the face of God, they can only see God’s foot, his back, or maybe just a voice coming out of a bright light.

Seeing God In Dream Is Good Or Bad

Seeing God in a dream can be good or bad depending on why you saw God.

Like in the case of Jacob and Solomon, God can bless them and continue a covenant and this is a good dream.

But there are other times that this can be a bad dream, like when God visits to warn us of our bad deeds and even punish us for our evil.

Dream About Goddess Kali

A dream about goddess Kali usually means that you are connected to the Hindu goddess of creation and destruction.

You can be having this dream because your ancestors worshipped this goddess.

This dream is a warning to change your ways, as goddess Kali is known to punish people for their evil deeds against nature and humanity.

So take this dream as a warning.

Seeing God In Dream Meaning

Seeing God in a dream can be a happy sight.

If you are seeing God in a dream it can mean that your heart is pure and you are too good for this world.

God doesn’t appear to just anybody, and those that have seen God in their dreams are those that spend time meditating on the things of God and following the path of righteousness.

So, yes it really is a good thing when you see God in your dream.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Goddess

When you dream about goddess in your dream it can mean that you have knowingly or unknowingly subscribed to a deity and now you have a price to pay.

Goddesses are deities that can either be good or even depending on the one you encounter.

So, I will encourage you to talk to the elderly people around you about your dream.

And do that as quickly as possible if this is a reoccurring dream.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About A Greek God

When you dream about a Greek God it can mean that you have been able to subscribe to the Greek mythology in spirit and in truth.

This is especially true if this dream becomes a reoccurring dream.

Although there are people that regard the Greek god as idols, it is important that you know what you are subscribing to before giving your life to serve a deity in ignorance.

What To Do If You Dream About Gods And Goddesses

If you dream about gods and goddesses I will encourage you to seek the wisdom of the elders that has been there before you.

Tell them about your dream and hear what they have to say about the gods or goddesses in your dream.

Do not agree to worship any gods just due to your dreams alone.

There is a detrimental price to pay for disobedience.

I will always advise you not to start what you can’t finish.


Dreams about gods and goddesses are usually one of those interesting dreams and they usually are a symbol of something in our life that needs to be attended to.

Sometimes they can be an evil manipulation, other times they can be a sign for good.

Either way, it is important that you do your best to research on the gods and or goddesses that you see in your dream.

Be sure before you agree to worship any deity.

I hope you got value from this content, please do well to also read our articles on dreams.

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Hi there! My name is Joachin, I write about dreams and spirituality experiences for Ablisssfulheart blog. Over the years I have been able to tell people about some of their hidden experiences and also watch this hidden experiences come to realization. Ablisfulheart is a bigger medium that helps me reach a wider audience and share in some of their life experiences. You can call me a blogger and a researcher, but really, I just love exploring things and sharing them based on my experience and the experience of the people around. Fell free to share tips or your experiences with me, hit me up! Whether you want to chat, collaborate, or just say hi, you can drop me a line at [myvibegood2@gmail.com]. Deuces !!!

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